Finishing my first Jaywalker sock, I was concerned that my remaining yarn would not be enough for the second sock. This is the first time using Tess' Designer Yarns sock yarn and the yardage listed on the label was different from the yardage of the yarn I usually use, Opal. So, I weighed the sock, then weighed the yarn ball, and discovered that the ball of yarn was a few tenths of an ounce heavier than the sock! I used a postage scale at work--which I forgot was there and will come in handy in the future, I suppose.
My other sock quest this week was finding a pattern and yarn for my sockapaloooza pal. I decided to stick with one of my favorite sock yarns, Opal, and picked one of the solid/uni colors in a brilliant peacock blue. I dug through all of my zillions of sock patterns and picked one from my 2006 knitting pattern a day calendar--from December 15, 2006 specifically. I liked how the YO in the pattern create a subtle lace pattern and the garter stitch rows give the sock texture. Now, I just started this sock late last night, so I only have about an inch of ribbing done, but here is my little progress regardless:
I am nursing a slight psuedo cold currently. I have congestion and a sore throat, but not a full blown cold yet. I have been using Airborn tablets every morning and am hoping that the herbals in that help. LOST is on tonight...let's hope it's a good one!