Menu Plan Monday
It's been a long while since I typed up a menu plan. I still plan, but it's not usually written out. I have been sick with tonsillitis and stuck inside this weekend, so I have some time to type this up without too much distraction! (Enter the child who needs something....)
Monday: Spaghetti squash lasagna
Tuesday: Old Fashioned Chicken noodle soup
Wednesday: Slow cooker balsamic chicken with brown rice
Thursday: Fish tacos with cabbage slaw and yellow rice
Friday: Turkey sliders with salads and sweet potato puffs
Weekend: TBD
Having tonsillitis meant that I was drinking lots of hot tea and only eating soup and yogurt for a few days. I ended up going to Urgent Care on Saturday because I could no longer swallow anything. It's not reassuring when the doctor looks in your throat with her little flashlight and says something like "Oh my god that's bad!" Needless to say I'm on an antibiotic now and after only three doses the pain is almost all gone. My tonsils were huge! So gross. For dinner on Sunday I made potato soup with fresh potatoes from our CSA. It turned out really good and was easy to eat! This week I'm going to try to make an authentic Jewish penicillin recipe for chicken soup. I think I'll freeze some of it for the future too. When I was first feeling bad I couldn't find any soup in the house, since I stopped eating canned soup a few years ago. I ended up buying a can of chicken with stars soup, a childhood favorite, when I was picking up my prescription from the drug store.
Last week it snowed and was icy a lot! My son had two school days with delayed starts due to icy roads and two snow days. We are looking forward to a week of more mild weather and a full week of school!
Happy Monday!
Looking for more menu plan ideas? Check out Organizing Junkie!