Happy New Year! Early Morning, January 1st, 2012
I really can't believe how fast the holiday season flew by. December was so busy, I barely blinked and it was over. We had a great time over the holidays and enjoyed the season. Having a four year old in the house made Christmas more magical and certainly more entertaining.
We don't really do much for New Year's Eve, so it was fairly quiet. (Except for the neighbor's noisy midnight celebration in the street!) I watched CNN's coverage of NYC. Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin crack me up.
Today we had friends come over for brunch. I made the Pioneer Woman's Baked Cinnamon French Toast again...it was great! The boys played all afternoon and had fun. For dinner I made the traditional pork roast with sauerkraut. Using the crockpot, I put a bag of rinsed kraut in the bottom, added a bag of baby carrots, then added the pork roast. I used Penzey's 33rd and Galena seasoning on it and added slices of apple around. After 8 hours on low, I added bisquick dumpling batter to the pot and let it puff up for about a half hour. It turned out great and we have enough left over for dinner tomorrow.
This year one of my personal goals is to become more proficient at using my DSLR camera. For Christmas my husband gave me a speedlight for my camera. To get more practice in using my camera with different settings I decided to do a 365 project this year where I take a photo everyday. I found several groups doing this, but decided to go with the one hosted by Picaboo. One of their expert photographers and bloggers is Steph of A Grande Life, a local mom blogger who I met last summer.
This week's themes are Goodbye Holiday and Just Keep Shooting. I already completed the first day's photo, even though the project officially kicks off on Monday. I like there there will be different themes and techniques suggested to try. For today's photo, I used manual focus with the manual setting on my camera, along with my 50mm lens and an f-stop of 1.8. The goal was to capture the last of the holiday decorations/lights in a different way, out of focus with the lights highlighted. I photographed both my tree's lights and the lights on our banister.
I won't post all of the photos here, but once I find a spot for them, probably on flickr, I'll post a link.
Happy 2012!