So back in August of 2004, I decided to jump in head first and figure out this blogging thing on typepad. I had been using several other blog formats before, but decided to try to do something that looked nicer. I was childless back then, so my blog focused on knitting primarily. Fast forward seven years and my focus has changed to parenting and food! I still knit, but post that stuff on Ravelry.
It's been a great experience blogging for this long and I love having a record of my life for the past seven years, expecially with photos. In a way it is a scrapbook/journal for me to have of my life and hopefully my son will enjoy reading through it when he is older.
Once, at least five years ago, I had my blog printed and bound in a book. Someday I'll have to do that again to keep a printed version of those later years too.
Blogging has given me lots of opportunities to meet people online and in real life. It started with knitting and has increased to parenting now too. Through it I've been able to take on other writing assignments, such as being a contributing writer on Mama's Little Helper and Montco Moms Blog, as well as write for I enjoy writing and hope that as I have more time to focus for more than ten minute intervals, I'll be able to increase my writing and be more creative.
I've also enjoyed participating in different groups, such as BlogHer's book club, writing reviews of fun products companies have sent me, linking up to menu plan Monday and Project Spectrum, and making connections with companies who produce products I really believe in and enjoy using, such as 360 Cookware. Blogging has been a great way to try new things and share my experiences with others.
I'd love to redesign my blog, but that involves learning coding and other techy stuff. I'm still trying to master my dslr camera. One thing at a time!
So, thanks for reading my little piece on the interwebs. I hope it's amusing at least some of the time!